

Contact us!

Contact us!

To become a partner or join us at WAKA FOILS,
contact us.

Telephone: +33 6 81 66 17 62

To become a partner or join us at WAKA FOILS,
contact us.

Telephone: +33 6 81 66 17 62


10 Léon Contant Street,

50110, Cherbourg-En-Cotentin

Press Contact

Lionel: +33 6 19 32 90 25Press Kit.

Discover Guillaume Bonniot
Founder and CEO of Waka Foils

Discover Guillaume Bonniot
Founder and CEO of Waka Foils

Guillaume Bonniot is the founder and manager of Waka Foils, a company specialized in boat foils.

Passionate about boats since forever, he has devoted more than 20 years to participating in prestigious sailing races such as the Mini Transat 6.50, the Tour de France, and the Mini Fast Net.

At the same time, he has been involved in sporting challenges for non-governmental organizations such as the Association Rêves, which works to support sick children…